From then, delivery is generally within 2-10 days, depending on your location.
Not the right fit? No worries. We'll arrange pick up and a full refund within 7 days including the delivery fee.
From then, delivery is generally within 2-10 days, depending on your location.
Not the right fit? No worries. We'll arrange pick up and a full refund within 7 days including the delivery fee.
1kg pastai vrac - Vanilie Uganda Gourmet Quality
Origine: Uganda
Calitate: Calitatea A Gourmet
Continut: 1kg pastai Vanilie de Uganda calitate Gourmet (cal. A)
Descriere: Culoare neagra, aspect lucios, textura uleioasa, aroma puternica cu note aromatice specifice
Lungime: 16 - 18 cm
Grad de umiditate: maxim 30%
Continut de Vanillina: 1.8% si 2.4%
Ambalare: vrac